Author Archives: Robert Turnage
At the Tuesday August 27 Board of County Commissioners Meeting, the Everglades University request to vacate a right of way through the middle of their 9-acre parcel of land was denied. At their pre application meeting one year ago, they stated that their plan is to build a 40,000 sq ft office building to house […]
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has begun construction progress for improvement projects at two interchanges in Seminole County. The purpose of these projects is to provide operational improvements to the intersection of County Road (C.R.) 46A (H.E. Thomas Jr. Parkway) and Rinehart Road near Interstate 4 (I-4) and safety improvements to the I-4 and […]
our annual meeting is November 1, 7:30 pm at Markham Woods Presbyterian Church. Speakers include Seminole County Sheriff Dennis Lemma and District 5 Commmissionor Andria Herr.
: Proposed Rezone from A-1 to PD for a college campus on 8.58 acres located on the west side of I-4, south of E.E. Williamson Rd Project Manager: Tyler Reed (407) 665-7398 ( Parcel ID: 35-20-29-501-0000-0100+++ BCC District: 3-Constantine Applicant: Mary Solik (407) 367-7868 Consultant: Chad Moorhead (407) 629-8330 2023-1065. This land is just south […]