1,4-dioxane pollution

There have been a series of articles in the Orland Sentinel recently about 1,4-dioxane pollution in our well water and water from the utilities in the Lake Mary and Sanford area. The plant last owned by Siemens on Rinehart Road apparently used to dump barrels of toxic chemicals on the ground over the decades.

Health Advisory Levels (HAL) for 1,4-dioxane have been set by the EPA at .35 parts per billion (ppb). Most of the water tested has been below .35 ppb. Seminole County will test some wells for our residents. If you are interested, email me at President@markhamwoodsassociation.org.

The following labs are certified to test 1.4-dioxane:
NYS DOH Organic Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (518)474-7161
Pace Analytical Services, LLC – Ormond Beach FL (386)672-5668
GEL Laboratories, LLC (843)556-8171
SGS North America Inc. – Wilmington NC (910)350-1903
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC – South Bend (574)233-4777
Anatek Labs, Inc. (208)883-2839
Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC. (626)386-1125

If you test your well water, please let us know the results on the forum and I’ll keep a database of results. Robert Turnage, President Markham Woods Association